The Quicksilver Sphynx
Miscellanea, January 1994
Nick 'Winter

Sorry about neglecting my duties last month, but anyone who knows me probably expected it. Once a year, every year, despite all Liam's best efforts I get sick... but I do it well!

Kisa 'Natesa is pregnant and due with our newest wolf in June. As far as I know no one in Coven Natesa could be the father, but if you open that up to Covens Prism and Blackrose and their associated solitaries as well, that offers by my count four possible fathers—biologically, since the whole bunch, regardless of sex, are acting like it's theirs. Whichever it is, congratulations!

Trista 'Merrymoon is popular! We got so many positive comments that we begged, blackmailed, and bribed her into doing a whole series for us on smith-magic and related subjects. Tentatively, that should give us articles for anywhere from the next three to six months, depending on continued interest.

Re: my challenge about Alessandria Kore-Tremayne and a seventh child: no dice, kids. An early-twentieth-century book retelling the legend doesn't cut it. I said proof. As in real, irrefutable (well, not easily refutable, at least), solid facts. Stop bugging me with stuff that isn't even convincing Liam—and he half believes the story anyway!

There are a few things planned publicly for Brigid, but so far it looks like most people are planning on more private or small-scale celebrations.

Solomon's Seal has in the new batch of never-before-seen (or, in a couple of cases, at least not-in-Canada-seen) books, thanks to our very own publishers in my hometown Ravenrock BC. There's a comparison and analysis and evaluation of various astrological systems, which includes a rather interesting breakdown by race and gift. One's on alchemy as a modern spiritual roadmap, with emphasis on the elements as witches experience them. There's a collection of short stories, including one by Flynn 'Sundark, and one that I think I'm going to have to buy for my favourite kitchen witch Deanna if her coven doesn't beat me to it, on suggestions for improvisation and substitution of tools, materials, and just about anything else.

The Winter Fair is coming up, the 29th and 30th, at the Community Hall. There's still time to get in on it, if you haven't yet! We're talking everything: quilts, dolls, food, hand-made clothes, stuff that's knitted and crocheted and hand-woven, carvings, jewellery, you name it and I bet you'll find it there. Liam can do the most wonderful things with a simple hand-loom, he'll be there, and Flynn 'Sundark and Glynis 'Artemisia will both be doing card readings, and Lori 'Dandelion will be there with her crystal jewellery.

Historical notes: the Fair has been going on for forty-nine years, the last weekend of January every year (the Summer Fair is as old as Haven). Twenty-eight years ago was the last confirmed report of demon-summoning and blood-magic in Haven. I don't mean the kind where you maybe use a few drops to bind a spell, I'm talking serious bodily harm or death to feed demons. All of Haven turned on the seer-mage-wolf team convicted of it; the mage and seer were stripped of their gifts and had other controls put in place, and justice was served on the wolf by the other wolves—I'll spare you the gory details. To get away from the morbid subject, Victoria Phoebe Dominique, Morgan's wife and the healer of Coven Starluck, was born in 1761 on the 14th. Nathaniel Lioren, noted artist and Adept, was born in 1913 on the 5th.

That's all for this month! Enjoy Brigid, and for those who don't like winter, don't despair... we're past the longest night, days will get longer now.

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