Steph Shangraw lives in southeastern Ontario, Canada, with rescued cats and their other human minion. In the limited time spent not writing fantasy, she plays the odd computer game, colours while interesting podcasts play, and of course serves her feline overlords. She started writing over 30 years ago, has so far released several indie novels, and is drifting towards less-traditional web fiction. She has a quirky personal thing about never charging for her work, and will accept tips but prefers to write for love, not profit.
Find me elsewhere online at:
Discord – If you want to chat, I generally have Discord up in the background while I’m writing, and odds are high that if you drop by my quiet little server, I’ll be online writing. Or you can message me directly, I’m Prysmcat there too.
Mastodon – I’m here a lot, possibly more than I should be.
Scribble Hub – I’m here a lot, since I’m drifting towards web novels/serials rather than more traditional formats, and this is a good, friendly, open-minded place to post that. Some work is exclusively here!
The new Patreon page right here, with freebies!
Bluesky – I’m only on occasionally but will get notifications.
Smashwords – Where to find a few of my stories as ebooks. This is a really good way to be an indy publisher, and they’re nicer to authors than certain others.
Royal Road – Not as open to my kind of fantasy. I’ll be finishing Transposition here but not adding anything new.
Noveltrove – Where you can find my erotica. This site rocks if you like erotica, and is very good to authors.
Goodreads – I’m almost never on here. (Between us, I don’t much care for the site.)
Questions, complaints, compliments, or just saying hello – if you want to do it privately, you can drop me an email at (currently having technical glitches) or, or leave a comment below.